Kinchant OEC is located approximately 40 km's west of Mackay heading towards the Pioneer Valley. Our Centre takes advantage of Kinchant Dam for many of our water based activities which is accessible from the Centre via a 5 min walk.
Kinchant OEC is an Education Queensland-funded facility that is dedicated to providing a safe, educationally enriched environment for schools to utilize either on day visits or residential camps. Our key curriculum focus ties in with the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum with many of our programs looking at Critical and Creative Thinking and Personal and Social Capability by promoting teamwork, leadership and resilience.
Kinchant OEC teaching staff collaboratively design, with visiting teachers, a sequence of learning activities that are ideal for achieving the intended learning outcomes, we work with you to obtain the best results from your students.
Mission statement
Kinchant OEC provides inspiration through challenging endeavours to support student learning promoting future growth.
Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association
Kinchant Outdoor Education Centre is fortunate enough to have a P&C who supports operations at our Centre.
President: Robyn Hopkins
Secretary: Sue Vains
Treasurer: Jenni Colby
Meetings occur at least once a term, If you are interested in attending a meeting or becoming a member please contact the Centre for the next meeting date.